11th-14th December 2023, YOKOHAMA, Japan (held in-person)
FPT’23 Finished Successfully!
Thank you to all the speakers, attendees, and people involved in FPT’23.FPT’24 will be held in Sydney, Australia! See you all there again!Let's submit a paper and have a summer Christmas!
🏆Two Best Papers! Congraturations!!
- Marta Andronic and George A. Constantinides (Imperial College London, UK), "PolyLUT: Learning Piecewise Polynomials for Ultra-Low Latency FPGA LUT-based Inference"
- Andrew Boutros, Fatemehsadat Mahmoudi, Amin Mohaghegh, Stephen More, and Vaughn Betz (University of Toronto, Canada), "Into the Third Dimension: Architecture Exploration Tools for 3D Reconfigurable Acceleration Devices"

General Information
The FPT conference is the premier conference in the Asia-Pacific region on field-programmable technologies, including reconfigurable computing devices and systems containing such components. Field-programmable devices promise the flexibility of software with the performance of hardware. The development and application of field-programmable technology have become important topics of research and development. Field-programmable technology is widely applied, in high-performance computing systems, embedded and low-power control instruments, mobile communications, rapid prototyping and product emulation, among other areas.
The 22nd edition of the conference to be held in YOKOHAMA from 11-14th December 2023 will be in-person style. We sincerely welcome the participants who can travel to YOKOHAMA to meet researchers, developers, vendors, and students and enjoy more in FPT’23.
Information for Authors
We, the organizing committee of FPT’23, follow the IEEE Preprint Policy regarding the publication of papers prior to acceptance on preprint servers such as arXiv. This means that there is no problem to submit papers to arXiv "under certain conditions". Please see IEEE Preprint Polocy for details.Check more details in Call For Papers
What's new
- 2023-12-14 : FPT’23 Finished Successfully! Two papers won the Best papers award.
- 2023-11-29 : Program has been updated. Presentation instructions are also added.
- 2023-11-15 : Program (tentative schedule as of Nov. 15) is open to public.
- 2023-11-07 : Tutorials/Workshops is open to public.
- 2023-10-20 : Registration form is now open!!
- 2023-10-17 : Authors information page is open to public.
- 2023-09-21 : Rebuttal responses due for regular FPT papers has been extended.
- 2023-09-16 : The deadline for Ph.D. Forum & Demo Night has been extended.
- 2023-09-15 : Important dates of Conference and Journal Track has been updated.
- 2023-07-21 : Conference Track has been closed as scheduled.
- 2023-07-13 : The deadline for Conference Track has been extended from 14th to 21th July.
- 2023-06-18 : The deadline for Journal Track has been extended from 16th to 30th June.
- 2023-04-29 : Call For Papers is open to public.
Sponsors and supporters
We whole-heartedly thank our sponsors and supporters :)
Technical sponsors
Conference Organizer
Organized by Tokyo Institute of Technology